bosan asek tekurung dlm bilik. ada tetamu yang stay kt umah.. xkenal siapa. mungkin member abah kot..naseb baek dtg x bwk anak.. hahaha..ptg td pegi PCB ngn khairul n atirah.. lepak2 smbil makan satay ikan.. npk dia ngn wife n mungkin ada ank dia kot.. bengang bila asyik ditanya soklan sama.. walaupon jwpnya mmg TAK.
note: status diri yang kurang pasti.. sekejap rasa single.. sekejap rasa in relationship..mungkin x patot pikir sgt psl ni.. let bygone b bygone..
Friday, June 26, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
bgn tdo hari ni rasa mcm fucked up gle...never thought the person who called me almost everyday nk mengadu problems rupa2nya adalah seorang SPY BABA? shit.. sumpah.. aku x kan angkat lg phone kalau number kau appear.ok.. there is two side of every story kan? ble dgr cte one side mesti agak2 org lain akan rasa kau innocent kan? NAH! aku dh malas nk bazir tenaga otak aku nk pikir benda ni.. malas nk buang masa dgr cite2 ur so-called bestfriend. MALAS NK AMBIL PORT HAL NI!
See I don't know why you're cryin like a bitch
Talkin shit like a snitch
Who are you to write a song about me
If you really didn't care you wouldn't want to share
Tellin everybody just how you feel
Fuck what I did, it was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin, it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back
See I don't know why you're cryin like a bitch
Talkin shit like a snitch
Who are you to write a song about me
If you really didn't care you wouldn't want to share
Tellin everybody just how you feel
Fuck what I did, it was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin, it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back
Thursday, June 11, 2009
im back for blogging. Currently, my life is so hectic. I woke up at 6.15am every morning and sleep around 9pm. My industrial training is doing good so far. I have no problem with my working environment and also my officemate. They treat me so nicely. Most of my jobs is basically about doing working paper and its not a big deal for me since it is just like doing asgment. I thnk thats all. I have no idea for wht to write.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
sorry again for a long HIATUS!
ive been absent for a blogging world for quite sometimes because of my buzy daily routine + i have problem with my pc( takde duit nk repair!)
and now i would like to present u the award for my blog.. hehehe.. thx mira anak perempuan nasir.:D

3. Setiap blogger mestilah menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sndiri sebelum memilih
anyone who interested to do so:)
ive been absent for a blogging world for quite sometimes because of my buzy daily routine + i have problem with my pc( takde duit nk repair!)
and now i would like to present u the award for my blog.. hehehe.. thx mira anak perempuan nasir.:D

- Copy award di ats untuk diletakkan di blog anda
2. Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang si pemberi award ini
- nama dia nur amira anak perempuan nasir
-si keding( nt aku transfer lelemak aku ko mung)
-penah suka faisal si gigi jonganghahah
-mak dia ajar subj geog zaman aku skolah dulu
-si kepo.. hehehhe
-si keding( nt aku transfer lelemak aku ko mung)
-penah suka faisal si gigi jonganghahah
-mak dia ajar subj geog zaman aku skolah dulu
-si kepo.. hehehhe
3. Setiap blogger mestilah menyatakan 10 fakta atau hobi diri sndiri sebelum memilih
-sgt pemalas
-suka tido
-suka teh o ais
-suka berkoya2
-suka makan
-suka cake!
- jarang tgk tv
- pendek
- always blur when it comes to describe my self
-suka tido
-suka teh o ais
-suka berkoya2
-suka makan
-suka cake!
- jarang tgk tv
- pendek
- always blur when it comes to describe my self
4. Anda perlu memilih 10 penerima award dan describe tentang mereka
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
have u ever cross to this go to the bank to withdraw money and after done with it u get the receipt and suddenly you saw extra cash in your account. of course you'll be excited right? it happened to me yesterday. i feel like i am over the moon when i saw the receipt! at least i can do some shopping for this weekend. so i have list down a lot of things in my mind. but i felt so curious to know who's bank in the money for me. i've decided to check in cimbclicks. to my surprise, my balance is just "ciput". again i went to atm machine to recheck my balance and the truth is.. the receipt is not mine! i think that atm machine has some problem, printing wrong receipt for me! hancur harapanku! haih....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
i dunno why i have become so lazy lately. i have lots of assignment and midterm to do but im still in holiday mood. . i keep on pending all works and now i am so stressed up because i dunno which one to start first.
p/s: hopefully i can finished some of my works by this week, so that i can go to kl this weekend :)
- 3rd april : submission date for ALL finance assignment ( got 3 assignment, 2 have done)
- 7th april: midterm finance
- 8th april: midterm macroeconomics
- 11th april: midterm researh and midterm law( 2 papers in one day.. shit!!)
- 17th april: due date macro assignment
- 24th april : due date money and banking assignment
p/s: hopefully i can finished some of my works by this week, so that i can go to kl this weekend :)
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